What is SOMA Training?

Soma, in Greek, means body. We believe in training the body based on sound principles, respecting its anatomy and physiology in a holistic manner following osteopathic, sport science and tensegrity principles.

Therefore Soma-Training is a form of exercise therapy based on a methodology of rehabilitation; strength; and conditioning. It is built on the Osteopathic principles of connected complexity as well as functional form. It is a crucial part of the recovery journey. It is also a key tool for injury prevention.

Each body is different and unique. Each workout plan is individualised to the client’s specific recovery needs taking into consideration any and all life events that may have affected the body and its neurological adaptation.

Soma Training is the perfect complement to Osteopathic treatment, providing the precise tools and knowledge to achieve optimum performance potential.

Treatment of sports injuries relating to foot, ankle and lower limb

Soma-Training is the perfect choice for athletes, anyone training for sport or those looking to get the best out of their body. Based on precise analytical segmental exercises such as ELDOA, Myofascial Stretching and Proprioception and Awareness exercises, these exercises create physical awareness and work to train and strengthen individual segments of the body.


How does it work in practice?

Our Treatment Plans and Exercise Programmes are based on the principles of Tensegrity; Biomechanics; Osteopathy; and Sports Science.

The body is not just a series of muscles; bones; joints; and organs with blood vessels and nerves around them, but are linked with each other in a way that forms a global, functional unit.

The link is the connective tissue, or Fascia, and it is important to free the fascia so that it can move freely, releasing the tensions that can be caused within these structures.

Ligaments; Tendons; Joint Capsuals; Peritoneum; Pleura; Pericardium; etc. all fall in this category.

Our treatment techniques focus on treating these links, while our exercises aim to isolate and stimulate them to help the process of auto normalization.

This level of precision and attention to detail can produce exceptional results.

Whether it is getting out of pain, improving your health & fitness or raising your sports performance, our goal is to help you get solid, measurable results.

We believe that change starts with understanding; therefore we put a lot of emphasis on client education. Clients and athletes who visit us receive a customized home program specific to their needs.

There is an exercise program for someone rehabilitating an injury or after surgery, as well as for the elite athlete wishing to work in the off-season or take their game to a higher level.

What outcomes or benefits can I expect?

  • Reduction in pain
  • Normalisation of Function
  • Improved Flexibility
  • Mental well being
  • Improved fitness levels
  • Improved awareness of an individual’s posture and skeletal structure

What is Fascial Manipulation?

Myofascial Therapy or Fascial manipulation is a specific treatment of manual therapy used to treat the fascia within the body. The Stecco Method Fascial Manipulation is a specialised technique used by podiatrists who are registered to practice and treat from the waist downwards.

Fascia is the connective tissue that wraps and supports all the organs, bones, muscles, nerves and blood vessels, and can therefore influence the whole body and its functions. It presents itself in different forms throughout tissues within the body.

When the body is subject to trauma, injury or repetitive stress, it creates an inflammatory reaction that causes areas in the myofascial planes to thicken and densify. This causes the bodies natural lubricating substance to restrict the function of the fascia. This new gel-like substance alters the original function of the myofascial unit and instead causes pain.

Densification of the fascia can also happen as a result of altered biochemistry, a fracture or breakage from an impact injury, adaption to stress or posture, inflexible scar tissue from a surgery which limits movement, overuse of a part of the body, and dehydration. As seen in some patients, the abnormal fascial function can cause entrapment of the free nerve endings and produce a neurological pain.

The Stecco Method can be used as Fascial Manipulation treatment to relieve painful symptoms in the body that densified fascia can cause. 

The treatment

Depending on the patient, some find that a single treatment will give them all the relief they need but others will require one or two further treatments to reduce any pain.

Generally, the treatment can be painful and often patients will feel discomfort and soreness in the areas affected for a few days after undergoing fascial manipulation, but this pain should resolve within a few days.

How can Fascial Manipulation treatment help?

Specialist podiatrists trained in fascial manipulation will be able to establish any restrictions or problems in the fascia (soft tissue) that may be present. 

There are many soft tissue conditions that Fascial Manipulation treatment is suitable for, including - but not limited to - plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, shin splints, heel pain, sciatica, and more. 

Most of the treatment is undertaken by applying pressure with the elbow or knuckle over the areas causing pain that have been identified from the patient's assessment. The movement of the elbow causes friction to create a local inflammatory response in the area, thus heating and breaking down the irritated substance between the fascia into smaller fragments. This process of fascial manipulation will improve tissue gliding, restore the normal function and reduce the pain in the area.

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